Sad news
from Breskens: last Saturday, 1 July, Hall BV’s senior rigger FREDDY
FRANSSENS died at sea during a tragic accident.
Freddy (71)
was part of the crew on board S/Y "Capella" owned by FRANS MAAS,
designer and builder of the successful range of Standfast yachts.
Also Frans
(79) and a third crew member (at the age of 18 and still missing) lost their
lives during this accident.
crew members were rescued and are now recovering from hypothermia.
joined our team 36 years ago and he was well respected for his craftsmanship
and perseverance. We will miss him!
Our hearts
are with the families and their friends.
For those who would like to express condolences,
please reply to: or post to Hall Spars, Deltahoek 42, 4511 PA Breskens.
receipt we will hand over all received cards and forward the received emails to
the families Franssens and Maas.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday 8 July at Deltahoek 26, Breskens from 13.30.
and staff,
Hall BV